Firmato - We call him Terence Hill (Book) (english)

111,00 €
Grandi notizie per i fan di Terence Hill!
Terence Hill ha firmato 111 libri in lingua inglese per i suoi fan.
La firma è sul frontespizio interno (vedi immagine). Ogni libro è unico e quindi la dimensione e il colore della firma possono variare da libro a libro. Richieste di dedica non possono essere prese in considerazione.
Nota: questo prodotto è la versione inglese del libro.

From the joyful casualness of Trinita to the 
spiritual generosity of Don Matteo, traveling the years with his shining smile and his azure blue eyes, alone or with his friend Bud Spencer, Terence Hill embodied like no other, naturally, and also resolutely, the solar hero par excellence: the one who illuminates people’s daily life and prompts out their positive energy to radiate... On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of My Name is Nobody, this book, richly illustrated with rare photos, and supplemented by a detailed filmography, is a vibrant tribute to this actor of timeless and universal popularity, eternal symbol of cool attitude and benevolence...

Publisher: ‎Carlenco Éditions
Language: English
Pages: 196
ISBN: 978-2-9589086-1-4
Dimensions: ‎22.4cm X 28cm
Format: Softcover

Non ci sono abbastanza prodotti in magazzino

Publisher: ‎Carlenco Éditions
Language: English
Pages: 196
ISBN: 978-2-9589086-1-4
Dimensions: ‎22.4cm X 28cm
Format: Softcover


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